Langland Road, Netherfield, Milton Keynes, MK6 4HA

01908 670 712

Langland Community School

Be Our Best to Achieve Our Best!

Early Years


Maple class PE day is a Tuesday.

Wow what an amazing week it’s been in Maples class. We launched our new topic The Gingerbread man.

Children received a letter from The Little Old Lady informing them that her gingerbread man had run away & she needed help finding him.  They then saw the runaway man in our school woods so we went on a hunt to find him.

17 yummy gingerbread men were found & eaten whilst listening to the story.

Children then completed lots of gingerbread themed activities including writing to say they found him.

In maths we have been counting to 4 and recognising numbers. This has been a great success!

I can’t wait to see what next week will bring.

Below you will find our current story to read along with your child. See if your child can use the story map to follow along and retell the story, using the actions we have been learning in class.

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Watch out... Gingerbread men are still on the loose!

It has been another action packed week in Maples class.  Children have continued to enjoy and learn the story of The Gingerbread Man using our oral story and actions.  This week they took a closer look at the fox using adjectives and doing words to describe him.

Miss Hill made some ginger scented play dough and everyone has enjoyed recreating their own ginger bread people with very funny expressions.  They also had to match the number of buttons he had to a given numeral.

We have completed our first unit of maths- counting to 5!  We celebrated this with a number 5 party.  They added candles to a cake, counted out 5 presents and identified the number 5 on a badge. High Five to all Maples children for working so well!

Thursday was European Languages day so Maples were very lucky to do a food tasting session.  Tzatziki dip and pitta bread were a firm favourite. 

We're going on a leaf hunt, we're going right away...

This week started with thoughts about Autumn with Marvellous Maples listening to the story We're going on a leaf hunt by Steve Metzger.  They added their own actions then went out on their own leaf hunt.  They collected a selection of different leaves and twigs then brought them back into class to observe closely.  They even explored using the leaves and twigs as paint brushes.

In the afternoons we turned into Super Scientists and investigated what would happen if the Gingerbread man decided to swim across the river rather than jump on the fox.  Children made some super predictions using great vocabulary.

Maples then concluded that he had to be kept dry so used natural recourses to create rafts to get him across.  This was a great collaborative activity with lots of discussion about which size leaves would be best.

Keep up the hard work Maples Class!

Another busy week in Reception!  

We looked at different animals and described them using adjectives then children adapted the story of The Gingerbread man changing the animals met to three of their own choice.  Some children used their Fred Fingers to spell STOP & SNAP!  Super Sounds Maples :)

Unfortunately we've been struck down by a pesky cold going around this week so in the afternoons we've investigated the importance of hand washing.  We investigated what happens when we sneeze into our hands compared to into a tissue using green 'germs' in a spray bottle nose.  Maples class then recorded their results.

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