Langland Road, Netherfield, Milton Keynes, MK6 4HA

01908 670 712

Langland Community School

Be Our Best to Achieve Our Best!

Year 3


Welcome to Champion Chestnut Class

Weekly Notices

  • PE is on a Wednesday - Please come in to school in your PE kit
  • Spelling tests are on and marked every Friday
  • Pick 'n' mix homework is available every half-term 
  • Please remember to read and practise timetables on TTRS every day at home

Important Information

Let's take a look at our learning journey throughout each term...

Autumn Term 1

A short but exciting first week of Year 3!
Through their hard work and determination, I have been incredibly proud of every child in Champion Chestnut class.

We have explored some interesting topics this week.

In Maths, we started learning about place value within 1,000. We now know how to represent and partition numbers up to 100 using 1s, 10s, and 100s dienes. We also discovered how to recognise numbers up to 100 on a number line, counting in 10s.

In Talk for Writing, we created short burst writing responses using the description toolkit. We practiced using expanded noun phrases, adjectives, and similes to craft effective poems.

In Talk for Reading, we began reading Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. Using retrieval and inference skills, we answered questions, made predictions, and used information from the text.

In the Wider Curriculum, the children started learning about various new topics.

In Art, we examined shapes and proportions closely, focusing on accurately depicting facial feature proportions. In Science, we recognised that light is needed to see, and that darkness is the absence of light. We also sorted pictures of light sources into man-made (artificial) and natural categories. In Spanish, we discovered where Spain is located, which countries border it, and explored Spanish culture, including cuisine, leisure, and famous figures.

I hope you all have a great weekend, and I look forward to another fantastic week ahead!

Miss Fisher.

A great first full week in Year 3!
The children have worked extremely hard this week, delving into new subjects and topics while following The Langland Way.

We have explored many exciting topics this week.

In Maths, we practised partitioning numbers up to 1,000 using a part-whole model with confidence. We also discovered how we can represent numbers using a part-whole model by placing counters in the hundreds, tens, and ones columns. The children worked really hard to understand how to place numbers up to 1,000 on a number line using their knowledge of 1s, 10s, and 100s.

In Talk for Writing, we created short burst writing responses using the settings toolkit. The children practised using personification, adjectives, and similes to craft effective poems. Their poetry on a haunted forest and a magical beach impressed me.

In Talk for Reading, we continued reading Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. Using retrieval and inference skills, the children answered questions, made predictions, and gathered information from the text. We also began discussing how Charlotte and Wilbur felt during different parts of the chapter and why that influenced their actions.

In the Wider Curriculum, the children built their knowledge across various subjects.

In Art, we explored observational drawing, focusing on noticing fine details. The children practised drawing eyes realistically, paying attention to the similarities and differences in our own eyes, using pencil and charcoal. In Computing, we used a computer to create and manipulate text. The children explored a range of tools to change the appearance of their documents, such as bold, italic, underline, and font changes. In Spanish, we focused on learning how to greet friends and family. The children now know how to say "hello," "goodbye," "good morning," "how are you," "I am happy," "I am sad," and "I am okay." They enjoyed having conversations around the classroom to practice their new vocabulary.

I hope you all have a well-rested weekend, and I look forward to another fun-packed week ahead!

Miss Fisher.