Year 5
Welcome to Remarkable Rowan Class
Weekly Notices
- PE is on a Thursday
- Spelling tests are on and marked every Friday
- Pick 'n' mix homework is available every half term
- Please remember to read and practise time tables on TTRS everyday at home
Important Information
Let's take a look at our learning journey throughout the term...
Autumn Term 1
What a fantastic start to the year!
Having just completed our first full week back at LCS, I am so impressed with all the hard work and resilience I have seen from year 5!
This past week we have been exploring numbers to 10,000 in maths. Rowan have been reflecting and perfecting on some previous learning such as rounding to the nearest ten and hundred and have absolutely smashed rounding to the nearest thousand. In T4W, Rowan have been improving their skills when writing all about settings. We have been thinking how to bring a setting to life for the reader and have been using a variety of different skills such as personification and the ‘show, don’t tell’ technique. I have loved reading the work that year 5 comes up with!
In computing, Rowan have been exploring vector diagrams. A vector diagram is a picture created on a computer made by putting lines and shapes together to create an image. Year 5 have been so creative; I have been so blown away by their creations. In history, Rowan have been exploring the industrial revolution. We discussed what life was like before the introduction of factories and machines. The whole class were incredibly interested and fascinated at how different life was in the middle of the 18th century.
Have a lovely weekend, I look forward to another fantastic week!
Mrs Crockett.