Langland Road, Netherfield, Milton Keynes, MK6 4HA

01908 670 712

Langland Community School

Be Our Best to Achieve Our Best!

Year 6

Welcome to Outstanding Oak Class

Weekly Notices:

  • PE (Swimming) is on a Friday -please wear swimsuit under uniform on this day (with towel and underwear in a bag) 
  • Spelling tests are every Friday (see Spelling Menu)
  • Please read everyday and practise your multiplication facts on TTRS 

Summer Term Home Learning:

  • Daily reading and TTRS 
  • SATs questions and short writing extracts will be given out to the children this term.

Take a look at our learning journey this year... 

Outstanding Oak have had a fabulous first week back in Year 6.

We have learning to recognise how we are feeling and strategies to self-regulate.

Can you guess which Zone our children are demonstrating?

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Year 6 have been playing the Glockenspiel this week in music. We are learning to play Happy by Pharrell Williams. 

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In RE we have been learning about Salah - prayer. This is the second of the Five Pillar of Islam.

Rayan taught us all about how Muslim's prayer at home and in the Mosque.

Year 6 joined other local schools at the War Memorial in Coffee Hall to remember those who gave their lives for us during the World Wars.

We were proud to be able to lay a wreath.

This week we have been thinking about how we can...

'Make a noise about bullying'

We looked at some scenarios, created freeze-frames and discussed what we could do in these situations.

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Year 6 were all extremely proud of their African inspired clay sculptures this week.

A fantastic end to the week with an amazing performance by Toscana Strings. An entrancing way of telling the story of Peter and the Wolf.

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Year 6 enjoyed their Hundred Square Reward. We learnt about the ingredients of the dough and added our own toppings at Pizza Express - they tasted delicious!

Year 6 had a super day at The National Computing Museum at Bletchley Park. We learnt all about coding, games design ciphers and the history of computers. We even got to play on some of them. Do you recognise any?  

Year 6 have been researching habitats of different birds. This research will help us to design bird boxes for birds in our school environment.

In DT this week, the children have been sawing the wood ready to make their bird box designs.

We are all extremely proud of our finished bird boxes. We used a great deal of skills in DT to create them.

We look forward to seeing them up in the outdoor environment and seeing the birds that visit them.

This week in science we have been retrieving our knowledge about circuits. We used symbols to create circuits using a variety of components. 

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Caldecotte Xperience September 2023 

A fantastic first day and evening at Caldecotte. We couldn't be prouder of our resilient and courageous Year 6 Superstars! From abseiling down the tower to taking a leap of faith, they were amazing! Not even a heavy downpour dampened these children's spirits. We can't wait until our adventures tomorrow...